Sunday School (Sunday Cool!)

Sunday School for Students ages 3 years through 8th grade occurs between worship services (9:40 - 10:20). The lessons follow the Lectionary schedule and offer age-appropriate Bible stories, engaging activities, Christian fellowship and fun. Sundays begin with large group gathering then break into classes by age/grade. Parents are invited to stay with their student for all or part of Sunday School, or enjoy a treat, coffee and adult fellowship.

Kick-off Day this year is on Sunday September 15th 9:40 a.m. to 10:20 a.m. featuring fun, games and opportunities to reconnect. Come meet your teachers, learn about what’s in store for you this school year and pick up a schedule

Register your child(ren) for Sunday School by September 15th using the following Link:

Sunday School Reg

Babies & Books

Our youngest disciples (children ages 0-3 years old) and parents are invited to Babies & Books which meets once per month October thru April on Sunday morning between worship services. Beloved Bible stories are introduced to the children using books, finger plays, etc. while the children engage in music, play, and other fun activities. Each month, the theme book is gifted to the family to take home. Please join us!

Fun at Sunday “Cool”